CANCam-U3V is a family of frame grabbers being connected by a standard 5GBit USB3 port to a PC, enabling a video bandwidth of >300MByte/sec into PC main memory. This bandwidth is about the same as delivered by standard PCIe cards, but there is no need to add any hardware to your PC or install any vendor specific driver. This frame grabber just connects to your standard USB3 port and the image processing application can just run without any need for additional installation.
The image transport is standardized by AIA and so many companies have software to run your image processing applications. Here are few samples: Stemmer CVB, MVTech HALCON, NI Vision, Matrox MIL and many more. Needles to say that all grabbers capture the analog or digital video signal in high quality and transfer as fast as possible to the host-PC for further image processing, with the minimum host load.
We have 4 standard frame grabbers in the CANCam-U3V family:
All grabbers are available in standard as industrial temperature range, please ask for a quote specify your video source here.